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The Vanguard Technology Review Board was formed in 2016 as the Company conducted an in-depth supplier and manufacturer review during the development of its first SCCO2 platform: the MIDAS X. Continuing to formalize process, protocol and scope, the Review Board today continuously assesses each step in the processing life-cycle at each given scale of production.





In this rapidly emerging and evolving industry, outside capital continues to flow into infrastructure and technology improvement throughout the supply chain. It is increasingly important to work with a solutions partner that is aware of the innovations in the market so you don’t find yourself ‘behind the times’ and no longer competitive.


Identifying the leading manufacturers for each process step, the members of the Review Board conduct an in-depth analysis of several points including; systems performance capability, cost of operation, warranty and service guarantee, financial stability of the supplier as well as other key factors. 


Through this fitness assessment, the resulting equipment that is included in the Vanguard Portfolio represents what we are confident are the best systems and solutions available.

Vanguard Scientific is technology agnostic in practice and defining specific recommendations given specific ‘success parameters’ against which our team advises.

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